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Show/hide logo

Show your company logo (located at /Custom/Media/Images/Logo.png)

Logo name

Choose logo name. Defaults to 'logo.png'. Place file in '\custom\media\images\' folder (include file extension)


Place your fonts @ /custom/portals/fonts/ (both stylesheet.css & font files) then select custom font. Remember to reference in e.g. custom stylesheet

More information

Custom style sheet

Create a name for your custom style sheet (without '.css' suffix and to be placed within /custom/portals/css/ folder) - tip: use "custom" which already exists!

Choose Telerik skin

Change Telerik skin (used in e.g. loading panel, datetime pickers, window dialogs)

Loading panel delay

Time (in ms) before loading panel shows

MailChimp API Key

Your MailChimp API Key

Your Pinterest Tag ID

Pinterest Claim Website

Copy and insert the id from the content attribute in the meta tag.

Your Google Merchant Center Tag ID

Google Merchant Center Claim Website

Copy and insert the id from the content attribute in the meta tag.

Facebook Pixel ID

Your Facebook Pixel ID

Copy and insert the id from the content attribute in the meta tag.

Google Tag Manager ID

Your Google Tag Manager ID

You can choose to activate e.g. Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics in Google Tag Manager. If you add a tool in Google Tag Manager, you should remove the ID from this portal to avoid errors. Please note that Facebook standard events inserted on the portal by TRIMIT only are active if a Pixel ID has been inserted here on this page.

Google analytics code

Your code for Google Analytics


Data Layer Functionality

Google maps key

Your unique Google maps key

Google maps zoom

Google maps initial zoom

Google maps icon

Google maps icon

Recaptcha Site Key

Setup recaptcha here:

Recaptcha Secret Key

Setup recaptcha here:


Here you can activate/deactivate social logins. The setup is done via Modelyn. Click the "App Integration" link below to go to setup.

Setup: App Integration

Active apps:0

Val. summary header

Show validation summary header